Western Round-up
29 June - 2nd July
Featuring: Caitlin Mae, Selwyn Read, Mickey Page, Annalee West, Miles & Margret, Warren Dewitt, Robs Childs, Coralina Country Disco, Compere – Steve Farrar & more.
![Western Round-up](https://courtfarmcountrypark.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/FB_IMG_1644937983234-210x210.jpg)
29 June - 2nd July
Featuring: Caitlin Mae, Selwyn Read, Mickey Page, Annalee West, Miles & Margret, Warren Dewitt, Robs Childs, Coralina Country Disco, Compere – Steve Farrar & more.
3rd June - 5th June
A Three Day Special Featuring: Paul Ansells, Number Nine, The Rimshots, The Bob Butpoy Caravan, The Molurdy Brothers, The Orupstore Cowboys, The Doel Brothers, Austi Steel 8 The Star Tones, The Strays, Mempeis Lee E The Creepers, Haney’s Bio House,
The Buzz-cuts, The Tight Lipped Combo, Ponchartrain
26th May - 29th May
Licenced Bar and Disco, Live Music, Fast Draw Contests, Open Trilogies, Western Stalls, Camping Available with toilets and showers, Free on site parking, Hot Food available, Authentics and Line Dancers Welcome.